

Professeur Associé
École de santé publique

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École de santé publique


Professeur Associé

Titre académique:




Dernier acte de nomination/promotion :


Adresse Bureau

Ecole de Santé Publique, Bureau 110


Domaines de recherche :

Epidémiologie Nutritionnelle

Thème de recherche :

Allaitement maternel exclusif, Malnutrition, Surveillance de la grippe

Axes transversaux : Santé

Centres/Ecoles/Laboratoire de recherches de l'UNIKIN:

Autres Réseaux scientifiques et communautés savantes:

1 : Surveillance and Response to Avian and Pandemic Influenza by National Health Authorities outside the United States
Objectifs : This project aims to improve and maintain capacity of the DRC to conduct routine surveillance and response to Avian and pandemic Influenza and no-influenza respiratory virus and bacteries.
Nature : Cooperative Agreement
Periode : 2021 - 2026
Partenaires : Kinshasa
Statut:   en cours
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Publications scientifiques: 30

1 : Association of comprehensiveness of antiretroviral care and detectable HIV viral load suppression among pregnant and postpartum women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: a cross-sectional study

Boisson-Walsh Alix, Noro L. R. Ravelomanana , Babakazo Pélagie, Tabala Martine, Malongo Fathy, Kawende Bienvenu, Yotebieng Marcel
Frontiers In Global Women's Health juin Vol. 5 2024 p. 1308019

2 : Breastfeeding practices and social norms in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo: A qualitative study

PLOS Glob Public Health avril Vol. 4 No. 4 2024 p. e0000957

3 : Using intervention mapping to develop an implementation strategy to improve timely uptake of streamlined birth-dose vaccines in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Boisson-Walsh , Fried B, Ngimbi P Marcel, Kashamuka M.M, Mbonze N, Tabala M, Thompson P, Babakazo Pélagie, Yotebieng Marcel
PLOS Glob Public Health janvier Vol. 4 No. 1 2024 p. e0002641

4 : Childhood immunization uptake determinants in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo: ordered regressions to assess timely infant vaccines administered at birth and 6‑weeks

Boisson‑Walsh Alix, Thompson Peyton, Fried Bruce, Michael Shea1 Christopher, Ngimbi Patrick, Babakazo Pélagie, Yotebieng Marcel
Global Health Research and Policy décembre Vol. 8 2023 p. 50

5 : The Application of Indicators to Assess the Severity of Seasonal Influenza Epidemics in Democratic Republic of Congo, 2015 to 2019.

Muhemedi1 Saleh, Lusamba Paul, Changachanga Jean-Claude, Lubula Leopold, Nkwembe Edith, Babakazo Pélagie
Open Journal of Respiratory Diseases février Vol. 12 No. 1 2022 p. 1-14

6 : Epidemiological, Clinical and Virological Profiles of Influenza Infection in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, from 2009 to 2018

Muhemedi Saleh, Lusamba Paul, Nkwembe Edith, Lubula Leopold, Manya Leonie, Babakazo Pélagie, Tshefu Antoinette
Open Journal of Epidemiology août Vol. 12 No. 3 2022 p. 329-342

7 : Assessing routine health information system performance during the tenth outbreak of Ebola virus disease (2018–2020) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A qualitative study in North Kivu

Kyomba Kalombe Gabriel, Kiyombo Mbela Guillaume, Grépin Karen A., Mayaka Manitu Serge, Konde Nkima- Numbi Joel, Ngo Bebe Dosithé, Babakazo Diambalula Pélagie, Mafuta Musalu Eric, Lulebo Mampasi Aimée, Ruton Hinda, Law Michael R.
PLOS GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH juillet Vol. 2 No. 7 2022 p. e0000429

8 : Barriers and facilitators to timely birth-dose vaccines in Kinshasa Province, the DRC: a qualitative study

Boisson Alix, Morgan Camille E., Fried Bruce, Shea Christopher M., Yotebieng Marcel, Ngimbi Patrick, Mbonze Nana, Kashamuka Mwandagalirwa , Babakazo Pélagie, Thompson Peyton
Journal of Global Health Reports Vol. 6 2022 p. e2022028

9 : Common breastfeeding problems experienced by lactating mothers during the first six months in Kinshasa

Babakazo Pélagie, Bosonkie Marc, Mafuta1 Eric, Mvuama Nono, Mapatano Mala- Ali
PLOS ONE octobre Vol. 17 No. 10 2022 p. e0275477

10 : HIV disclosure and depressive symptoms among pregnant women living with HIV: a cross-sectional study in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Zotova1 Natalia, Familiar Itziar, Kawende Bienvenu, Lumande Kasindi Fidele, Ravelomanana Noro, Lancaster Kathryn E., Kaba Didine, Pélagie Babakazo Didine, Yotebieng Marcel
Journal of the International AIDS Society Vol. 25 2022 p. e25865

11 : Determinants of Cannabis Use Among Psychotics in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo: A cross-sectional study

Mifundu Bilongo Abraham, Mananga Lelo Gilbert, Nkodila Natuhoyila Aliocha, Babakazo Pelagie, Messia Ehunu Gauthier, Mampunza Ma-Miezi Samuel
Journal of Drug Design and Medicinal Chemistry août Vol. 7 No. 3 2021 p. 44-49

12 : Evaluation de la prise en charge intégrée de l’otite moyenne chronique dans le système des soins de santé primaires à Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo

Omadjela Oluku Auguste, Situakibanza Nani Tuma Hippolyte, Babakazo Diambalula Pélagie, Nyembue Tshipukane Dieudonne, Matanda Nzanza Richard
Annales Africaines de Médecine décembre Vol. 15 No. 1 2021 p. e4431-e4442

13 : Assessing Readiness to Provide Comprehensive Abortion Care in the Democratic Republic of the Congo After Passage of the Maputo Protocol

Glover Annie L., Kayembe Patrick, Kaba Didine, Babakazo Pélagie
International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health Vol. 46 No. e1 2020 p. 3-12

14 : Malaria Test Positivity Rates in Health Facilities Supported by the Global Fund in Kinshasa City

Kwete Woto Kwete Gabriel, Babakazo Diambalula Pélagie, Nkonde Nkiama Joël, Bope Bope Maurice, Mansiangi Mankadi Paul
Open Access Library Journal novembre Vol. 6 No. 11 2019 p. 1-11

15 : Level of Community Preparedness for Ebola Virus Epidemics in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A Multiple Case Study

Mafuta Musalu Eric, Mwamba Kazadi Dieudonne, Onyamboko Akatshi Marie, Kaba Kinkodi Didine, Babakazo Diambalula Pelagie, Nsio Justus, Ikeda Noriaki, Mufwaya Raymond, Kokolomami Hyyombo Tambwe Jack
Central African Journal of Public Health novembre Vol. 5 No. 6 2019 p. 292-301.

16 : Evaluation of the influenza sentinel surveillance system in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 2012–2015

Babakazo Diambalula Pélagie, Kabamba-Tshilobo Joelle, Okitolonda Wemakoy Emile, Lubula Léopold, Manya Kitoko Léonie, Kebela Ilunga Benoit, Disasuani1 Wally, Nkwembe Edith, Kavunga-Membo Hugo, Changachanga Jean-Claude, Muhemedi1 Saleh, Muyembe Tamfum Jean-Jacques, Tempia Stefano
BMC Public Health Vol. 19 2019 p. 1652

17 : Epidemiology of circulating human influenza viruses from the Democratic Republic of Congo, 2015

Kavunga-Membo Hugo, Nkwembe Edith, Simulundu Edgar, Karhemere Stomy, Babakazo Pélagie, Manya Léonie, Kabamba Joelle, Okitolonda Emile, Ahuka- Mundeke Steve, Muyembe Jean Jacques
PLoS ONE septembre Vol. 13 No. 9 2018 p. e0203995

18 : The national and provincial burden of medically attended influenza-associated influenza-like illness and severe acute respiratory illness in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 2013-2015

Babakazo Pélagie, Lubula Léopold, Disasuani Wally, Manya Kitoko Léonie, Nkwembe Edith, Mitongo Naomi, Kavunga-Membo Hugo, Changachanga Jean-Claude, Muhemedi Saleh, Kebela Ilunga Benoit, Okitolonda Wemakoy Emile, Muyembe Tamfum Jean-Jacques, Kabamba-Tshilobo Joelle, Tempia Stefano
Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses Vol. 12 2018 p. 695–705.

19 : Effects of unconditional cash transfers on the outcome of treatment for severe acute malnutrition (SAM): a cluster-randomised trial in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Grellety Emmanuel, Babakazo Pélagie, Bangana Amina, Mwamba Gustave, Lezama Ines, Zagre Noël Marie, Ategbo Eric-Alain
BMC Medicine Vol. 15 2017 p. 87

20 : Critical reading of the ASA status score: analysis of a survey carried out during a SARANF congress

Bula-Bula Médard, Kamanda R , Mukuna Patrick, Lepira François, Mbuyi Mwamba , Babakazo Diambalula Pélagie, Kimpanga Prince, Kilembe Manzanza
Rev. Afr. Anesth. Med urgence (RAMUR) Vol. 21 No. 2 2016 p. 47-50

21 : Molecular Analysis of Influenza A(H3N2) and A(H1N1)pdm09 Viruses circulating in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 2014

Nkwembe Edith, Cintron Roxana, Sessions Wendy, Kavunga Hugo, Babakazo Pelagie, Manya Léonie, Muyembe Jean Jacques
J Harmon Res Med Health Sci décembre Vol. 3 No. 4 2016 p. 247–264

22 : Effect of the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative on the duration of exclusive breastfeeding in Kinshasa: A cluster randomized trial

Babakazo Diambalula Pélagie, Donnen Philippe, Mapatano Mala-Ali, Lulebo Mampasi Aimée, Okitolonda Wemakoy Emile
Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique octobre Vol. 63 No. 5 2015 p. 285-292

23 : Predictors of discontinuing exclusive breastfeeding before six months among mothers in Kinshasa: a prospective study

Babakazo Pélagie, Donnen Philippe, Akilimali1 Pierre, Mapatano Mala Ali1 Nathalis, Okitolonda Emile
International Breastfeeding Journal Vol. 10 2015 p. 19

24 : Rôle du stress lié à la grossesse dans la survenue de la pré-éclampsie

Bula‑Bula Isokuma Médard, Mbungu Roger, Mananga Lelo Gilbert, Babakazo Diambalula Pélagie, Kimpanga Prince, Kilembe Manzanza Adolphe
Réanimation Vol. 23 2013 p. S302-S305

25 : Le neurotoxoplasmose de l’enfant infecté par le VIH : à propos d’une observation.

Nkuandiolandu Adolphine, Tshomba Joséphine, Lose M , Babakazo Pélagie, Tshibassu M
Congo Médical mai Vol. 4 No. 7 2006 p. 634-636

26 : Problematique de la bioethique en Republique Democratique du Congo : Rapport du séminaire

Okitolonda Wemakoy Emile, Kiyombo Mbele Guillaume, Mundayi M , Babakazo Diambalula Pélagie
Congo Médical Vol. 4 No. 10 2006 p. 972

27 : La sérothérapie antitétanique intrathécale et intérêt de l’apport du Pancuronium : à propos de 12 cas

Bula Bula Médard, Kilembe Adolphe, Ekutshu MM , Matanda Richard, Babakazo Pélagie
Congo Médical juillet Vol. 4 No. 8 2006 p. 722-726

28 : Profil clinique et indicatif de l’infection à VIH chez les enfants malnutris sévères

Babakazo Diambalula Pélagie, Tshibassu Manyanga , Ngandu Kabeya Gilbert, Nkuadiolandu Adolphine, Lumbala Paul
Congo Médical décembre Vol. 1 No. Hors série 2004 p. 45-9

29 : Sarcome de Kaposi généralisé chez un enfant atteint d’infection à VIH-Sida

Kiabilua Kapinga , Denolf D. , Tshibassu Manyanga , Kiabilua Sunda , Nkuadiolandu Adolphine, Babakazo Pélagie
Congo Médical décembre Vol. 1 No. Hors série 2004 p. 42-4
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